In an upcoming episode of Bigg Boss 17, Ankita Lokhande’s mother, Vandana Lokhande, makes a special appearance to offer advice to Ankita and her husband, Vicky Jain. The couple has been facing challenges in the house, frequently arguing and even discussing the topic of divorce. Vandana aims to guide them on the right path.
The promo reveals Vandana entering the show, warmly embracing Ankita, and the mother-daughter duo sharing an emotional reunion. Vandana takes a moment to sit Ankita and Vicky down, expressing her concern about the challenges they are facing on the show. She emphasizes the constant surveillance with cameras everywhere and points out that they might not be portraying their true selves to the viewers. Vandana mentions the impact this situation has had on her own mental state, revealing that she hasn’t slept well for the past two days.
In a heartfelt plea, Vandana addresses Ankita and Vicky, saying, “The world is making fun of you; try to understand.” She urges them to comprehend the gravity of the situation and the perception the outside world has of them. Despite Vandana’s sincere attempt to guide them, the promo suggests that Ankita may not fully grasp the advice.
The emotional exchange between mother and daughter highlights the challenges faced by Ankita and Vicky within the Bigg Boss house. As the narrative unfolds, viewers can anticipate a crucial episode where Vandana Lokhande’s words of wisdom might play a pivotal role in shaping Ankita and Vicky’s journey on the reality show.