The latest buzz in ‘Bigg Boss 17’ revolves around the family week. In the recent episode, Ankita Lokhande’s mother joined the show and had a heart-to-heart talk with Ankita and Vicky Jain about their marriage challenges. Advising Ankita not to delve into her past on the show, Ankita mother hinted at Sushant Singh Rajput, leaving Ankita emotional as she clarified that Vicky’s family misunderstands her.
Ankita’s mother was the first to enter the ‘Bigg Boss 17’ house, followed by Vicky Jain’s mother, Malak, who is also Arun’s wife. Ankita mother offered guidance to the couple, urging them to reconsider their boundaries and avoid using harsh words. On the other side, Vicky’s mother, Ranjana, questioned Ankita’s behavior towards her son, recalling the ‘slipper’ incident and mentioning Vicky’s dad reaching out to discuss it.
As the episode unfolded, Ankita’s mother advised her to refrain from discussing her past too much, expressing concerns about public perception and the impact on their marriage. Responding, Ankita explained that Sushant Singh Rajput is Abhishek’s idol, so she often talks about him when asked. Her mother emphasized how this might affect Vicky’s family.
In another segment, Mannara Chopra and Isha Malviya engaged in a heated argument. Isha claimed that Mannara misrepresented Munawar Faruqui’s words about Ayesha Khan to present a different, more favorable narrative. The disagreement escalated when Isha commented that Mannara might have twisted the information to clear her own path. Mannara, offended by the statement, sought clarification from Ayesha Khan, who confirmed that Mannara had conveyed that Munawar expressed dislike for Ayesha.
The drama in ‘Bigg Boss 17’ intensifies as personal discussions, misinterpretations, and conflicts unfold, promising an eventful ride. Tune in every Monday to Friday at 10:00 pm and Saturday and Sunday at 9:30 pm on Colors TV, with a 24-hour live channel on JioCinema.