K-pop sensation Aoora, who joined Bigg Boss 17 as a wildcard contestant two weeks ago, recently became the latest contestant to be evicted from the show. In a recent episode, when host Salman Khan revealed Aoora’s name for eviction, the K-pop star burst into laughter, surprising both Salman and the other contestants. He graciously hugged each contestant and expressed gratitude to Salman Khan for the opportunity.
During his time on the show, Aoora had some disagreements with Ayesha Khan and felt uncomfortable when she kissed him. He formed a good bond with Arun Mashetty, who served as his translator in the house. Aoora also got along well with Chintu (Samarth Jurel), Abhishek Kumar, Munawar Faruqui, Mannara Chopra, and Ankita Lokhande. Notably, Aoora was known for frequently changing his hair colors in each episode.
In a particular episode, Aoora became emotional when he couldn’t understand a joke from Anurag Dobhal, shedding tears. Ankita Lokhande hugged and consoled him, providing comfort.
The K-pop sensation Aoora gained attention in India for his unique rendition of the late musician Bappi Lahiri’s iconic song “Jimmy Jimmy” from the 1982 film “Disco Dancer” starring Mithun Chakraborty.
For those unfamiliar with Aoora, he was a member of the South Korean boy band Double-A and its subunit Aoora & Hoik. He made his debut on September 4, 2009, with the song “Love Back.”
In the same episode, Bollywood actress Tabu made a special appearance and conducted various tasks where contestants called each other out. Fans were delighted to see Abhishek Kumar dancing with Tabu, and Mannara sang a song for the actress, adding to the entertaining moments on the show.