After a physical fight between Abhishek Kumar and Samarth Jurel on Bigg Boss 17, social media erupted with discussions. Celebrities like Kamya Punjabi, Riteish Deshmukh, and Prince Narula expressed support for Abhishek. Even his Udaariyan co-star, Ankit Gupta, criticized Isha Malviya’s behavior towards him. The situation escalated when Isha’s mother took to social media, accusing Abhishek of consistently disrespecting her daughter and hinting at potential legal action.
The recent episode of Bigg Boss 17 featured a heated altercation between Isha, Abhishek, and Samarth, culminating in Abhishek slapping Samarth. The show’s producers are yet to decide on the consequences for Abhishek’s actions. However, other contestants, including Ankita Lokhande and Isha, expressed feeling unsafe around Abhishek in the house.
Isha and Abhishek were previously in a relationship during their time on Udaariyan. However, they parted ways after Isha accused him of being abusive. In the latest episode, Isha shared a disturbing incident where Abhishek had allegedly slapped her so hard that part of her face turned blue.
The controversy surrounding the physical fight has not only led to discussions among the show’s viewers but has also triggered support and criticism from celebrities. The involvement of Isha’s mother adds another layer to the unfolding drama, with the potential for legal consequences further intensifying the situation within the Bigg Boss 17 house.