Bigg Boss 17, the popular reality show in India hosted by Salman Khan, things are getting intense with the producers adding new twists to keep the entertainment levels high. The recent nominations task turned into a heated situation as housemates engaged in fights.
For those who missed it, Abhishek Kumar had a heated argument with his ex-girlfriend Isha Malviya and her current boyfriend Samarth Jurel during the nominations task. The conflict escalated when Isha made sarcastic remarks, leading to a confrontation between Abhishek and Samarth.
The drama is set to continue in the upcoming episode, as the precap video after the last night’s episode revealed that Abhishek Kumar gets physical with Samarth Jurel during their ongoing fight. In the clip, Samarth and Isha provoke Abhishek with some nasty comments about his mental state.
Following the release of the precap video, Abhishek Kumar’s fans took to social media to support him, criticizing Isha and Samarth for continuously provoking him. However, there is uncertainty about whether Bigg Boss will take any action against Abhishek for getting physical with Samarth.
As of now, there has been no update on the situation, and Abhishek is still in the Bigg Boss house. The question remains whether Abhishek Kumar will face elimination for his physical altercation with Samarth Jurel. Share your thoughts in the comments section, and stay tuned for more updates.