In the latest episode of Bigg Boss 17 on January 2, 2024, tensions ran high as contestants Abhishek Kumar, Samarth Jurel, and Isha Malviya engaged in a heated argument during the nomination process. The atmosphere in the house became chaotic due to the intense fight.
During the nominations, contestant Arun Mashettey chose not to nominate Vicky Jain, Ankita Lokhande, and Mannara Chopra. Munawar Faruqui pointed out that Arun was favoring his boss, Vicky Jain, by not nominating him. Isha remarked that everyone was thinking about their bosses, taking a dig at Abhishek Kumar.
The disagreement escalated when Isha accused Abhishek of being ‘mental’ and taunted him about breaking a TV and getting scolded by his father. Abhishek responded by mentioning Isha’s mother knowing the truth about her. This led to a major fight, with Isha’s boyfriend, Samarth Jurel, joining in, calling Abhishek derogatory names.
Samarth, in a conversation with Munawar Faruqui, disclosed the name of the doctor in Chandigarh whom Abhishek consults for his mental health.
Later, Abhishek spoke with Munawar about feeling triggered when labeled ‘mental’. He shared something privately with Munawar, and Munawar advised him to accept and not run away from the situation. Munawar also mentioned that others were using this to provoke Abhishek.
Following the dramatic nomination process, the nominated contestants for the week are Ayesha Khan, Aoora, Abhishek Kumar, Samarth Jurel, Munawar Faruqui, and Arun Mashettey.
The episode shed light on the intense clashes and personal struggles within the Bigg Boss 17 house, adding a new layer of drama to the reality show.