In the latest episode of Bigg Boss 17, the reality show took an unexpected turn with the eviction of YouTuber Anurag Dobhal. The show, hosted by Salman Khan and broadcast on Colors TV and Jio Cinema, has been keeping the audience hooked with its continuous twists and turns since its launch in October.
The format of the show divides contestants into three segments within the Bigg Boss house: Dil, Dimag, and Dum. In the episode that aired on January 1, Bigg Boss presented a task to the housemates, requiring them to eliminate one among Abhishek Kumar, Anurag Dobhal, and Ayesha Khan. Ultimately, most contestants decided on Anurag, leading to his departure from the controversial reality show.
With Anurag’s exit, the anticipation for this week’s nominations has heightened. As per social media buzz, the makers are set to introduce a new nominations task in the upcoming episode (airing on January 2). The task is rumored to be related to nuclear reactors, where housemates will nominate each other in a chain reaction style. According to sources, the chain started with Ayesha Khan nominating Aoora for elimination, setting off a series of nominations.
In the promo, Abhishek Kumar nominates Samarth Jurel, and Munawar Faruqui takes Arun Srikanth Mashettey’s name. In a surprising turn, Arun nominates Munawar, claiming he has no game, leading to a heated argument between them.
While there is no official confirmation about the nominated contestants for the week, social media speculation suggests that six participants might be up for elimination Abhishek Kumar, Ayesha Khan, Munawar Faruqui, Samarth Jurel, Aoora, and Arun Srikanth Mashettey. As the information is not officially verified, viewers will have to wait until the episode airs to know the authentic list of nominated contestants and witness the drama unfold in the Bigg Boss 17 house. Stay tuned for more updates on the twists and turns in the reality TV spectacle.