Since its start on October 15, Bigg Boss 17 has been a wild ride. Hosted by Salman Khan, the reality show has seen numerous verbal clashes and physical altercations. The recent incident causing a stir is the intense fight between Abhishek Kumar and Samarth Jurel-Isha Malviya. The couple had been bullying Abhishek over his mental health issues. Enraged, Abhishek slapped Samarth, shocking everyone. Despite the actor being evicted for his actions, former BB House contestants and the public have supported Abhishek’s reaction. The latest to endorse Abhishek is ex-Bigg Boss 17 contestant Rinku Dhawan.
In an interview with Instant Bollywood, Rinku Dhawan was asked about her thoughts on Abhishek Kumar hitting Samarth Jurel. The TV actress responded that, in her opinion, Abhishek should have hit Samarth a few more times. Rinku explained that Samarth and Isha were intentionally targeting Abhishek mental health, which was already a thing of the past. She indirectly hinted at Isha previous relationship with Abhishek during the conversation.
Taking a jab at Isha Malviya, Rinku Dhawan continued that it was morally wrong for her to bring up Abhishek Kumar’s past, using his mental health as an excuse. Rinku conveyed, “Abhishek was dealing with trauma, suffering from depression, and going through mental health problems. He was seeing a psychiatrist, seeking help for that, and today, you (Isha) being his ex-girlfriend bringing all that up.”
Rinku Dhawan wasn’t the only one supporting Abhishek Kumar. Former Bigg Boss 16 contestant Jigna Vora also spoke out against Samarth Jurel and Isha Malviya’s inappropriate behavior towards Abhishek. In an interview with TOI, she emphasized the importance of mental health, stating that an individual’s well-being should matter more than winning a trophy.