In the last week, Bigg Boss 17, hosted by Salman Khan, has been making headlines due to intense drama. From Abhishek Kumar slapping Samarth Jurel to Munawar Faruqui and Ayesha Khan’s accusations, the reality show has kept fans hooked for various reasons.
Viewers have been closely following the non-stop drama on their TV screens as the show’s makers delivered intense content over the past seven days. Abhishek Kumar, in particular, has experienced a significant surge in popularity, dominating the show after being evicted and re-entering the BB 17 house.
The current week’s elimination nominations include Abhishek Kumar, Ayesha Khan, Vicky Jain, Arun Srikanth Mashettey, Mannara Chopra, Munawar Faruqui, and Samarth Jurel. The fate of these seven contestants will be decided during the Weekend Ka Vaar episode. Unlike previous weeks, this WKV episode will be shot on Thursday, January 11, and voting lines on JioCinema will close at 10 am on the same day. If you want to support your favorite contestants, make sure to cast your vote before the deadline. Online polls and Twitter pages suggest that Munawar Faruqui and Abhishek Kumar are leading in terms of vote count, making them the top performers of the week.
Amidst the buzz surrounding the Bigg Boss 17 elimination in week 13, the makers have confirmed the telecast of BB 17 Family Week episodes. Family members of contestants, including Ankita Lokhande’s mother, Vicky Jain’s mother, Munawar Faruqui’s sister, Mannara Chopra’s sister, Ayesha Khan’s brother, Arun Srikanth’s wife, Samarth Jurel’s father, Isha Malviya’s father, and Abhishek Kumar’s mother, participated in the Bigg Boss 17 Family Week task.
In terms of votes, Samarth Jurel, Mannara Chopra, Vicky Jain, Ayesha Khan, and Arun Srikanth Mashettey are lagging behind. Despite their fan following, these five celebrities couldn’t surpass Abhishek Kumar and Munawar Faruqui in the popularity contest.