During the family week on Bigg Boss 17, Munawar Faruqui, the popular contestant, got emotional when his sister, Amrin, visited the controversial house. Their reunion was full of emotions, with lots of encouragement, heartfelt moments, and tears of happiness.
arm hug, and both of them ended up in tears, making the other contestants emotional too.
While she was there, Amrin not only cheered up Munawar but also shared the immense support he was getting from his many fans.
In a touching conversation, she said “My brother has become so thin. You are my strong brother, our strength. You are very strong; you are the power of our family. My brother is the power of our home. You won’t cry; my brother has cried a lot, not anymore.” She added, “Create chaos; everyone wants to hear your voice. When you speak, everyone likes it.”
The family week was filled with happy tears and warmth. As the finale is getting closer, the family week has lifted the spirits of the contestants. At the same time, Munawar’s Instagram followers have reached an impressive 10 million, proving he is the most followed and loved contestant from the Big Boss house.