Last week on Bigg Boss 17, actor Abhishek Kumar slapped fellow contestant Samarth Jurel, putting his journey on thin ice. Captain Ankita Lokhande had the power to decide Abhishek’s fate and chose to evict him for his actions.
Saturday’s Weekend Ka Vaar episode revolved around Abhishek’s eviction. Salman Khan, the host, expressed his displeasure about it openly. He questioned Ankita about her choice to remove Abhishek and asked other contestants how they would feel if they were in Abhishek’s shoes, dealing with provocation from Samarth Jurel and Isha Malviya.
Salman also called out Samarth for instigating Abhishek and suggested that Samarth might have a hidden agenda to eliminate Abhishek before the finale. He even addressed Munawar Faruqui for not taking a strong stance in support of Abhishek and questioned why no one intervened when Samarth was provoking Kumar. After the discussions, a vote was taken, leading to Abhishek Kumar’s return to the house.
Later, Salman had a conversation with Isha, Samarth, and Abhishek, explaining the complexity of their situation. He advised them not to repeat such behavior in the future.
The decision to bring Abhishek back created a division in the house. Vicky Jain, Ankita Lokhande’s husband, questioned her about supporting Abhishek’s return after choosing to evict him initially, causing tension between them. This tension is expected to escalate into a more heated situation in Sunday episode.