Kangana Ranaut, expressing her support for Ankita Lokhande in Bigg Boss, used Instagram Stories to address a false narrative created by the media. Kangana shared a part of an interview with Vicky Jain’s mother, where she endorsed Ankita for winning the show. Kangana acknowledged the media’s attempt to disrupt the family but highlighted the positive support from Ankita’s mother-in-law.
In her message, Kangana stated, “Media doing their best to break the family, they won’t show you how lokhandeankita satsuma (mother-in-law) rooting for her, also love that chuckle in the end. Ha ha too cute Aunty, reality shows come and go but family is forever, I hope my friend lokhandeankita wins but not at the cost of her marriage.”
The ongoing tension between Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain has been a topic of discussion on the show. Both have brought up the topic of divorce during their interactions. Recently, both sets of parents visited the Bigg Boss house, leading to discussions between Ankita and Vicky’s mother.
During a conversation, Ankita’s mother-in-law brought up an incident when Ankita allegedly kicked Vicky, prompting Vicky’s father to call her.
This revelation upset Ankita, who requested her mother-in-law not to involve her parents in the matter. She pleaded, “Mummy ko phone karne ki kya zaroorat thi. Meri mummy akeli rehti hai. Mere papa ki death hui hai mumma, aap mere mummy papa ko mat bolo please.” (There was no need to call my mother. She lives alone. My father recently passed away, so please don’t talk about my parents like this.)