Over the weekend, Neil Bhatt and Rinku Dhawan said their goodbyes to the Bigg Boss 17 house in a double-eviction on Salman Khan’s show. Neil, after leaving the show, shared his thoughts on Vicky Jain’s game and addressed the issue of ‘toxicity’ in the house, especially among male participants.
According to Neil, Vicky Jain’s game in the house isn’t going in the right direction. Neil had previously mentioned how Vicky’s ways were manipulative but calm and composed. However, he noticed a change after Vicky’s break from the show. Neil expressed his concern, stating that Vicky has become more exploitative of the situation, constantly picking fights without much else to contribute. Neil remarked, “There is nothing more left for Vicky to do on the show.”
Vicky Jain is the husband of Ankita Lokhande, who is also a contestant in the Bigg Boss house. Ankita and Vicky are frequently seen at odds with each other, and Vicky’s behavior has been criticized as ‘toxic’ by the audience. Discussing the toxicity in the house, Neil mentioned that he has always spoken out against ill-treatment of women, whether it’s from Vicky or Abhishek. He clarified that he never directly confronted Vicky because he didn’t witness his misdeeds, but he consistently advised Abhishek on how his actions could harm his image.
Apart from Vicky and Ankita, the show features Munawar Faruqui and Abhishek Kumar as its top contestants. Neil shared his perspective on the potential winners, suggesting that either Munawar or Abhishek could take home the trophy if they make positive changes in their behavior.
Neil’s wife, Aishwarya Sharma Bhatt, was also evicted from the house. Bigg Boss 17 on Colors TV from Monday to Friday at 10 pm and on Saturday to Sunday at 9:30 pm.