Bigg Boss 17 kicked off in October 2023, with Salman Khan introducing a mix of well-known personalities from various industries. Contestants like Munawar Faruqui, Ankita Lokhande, Vicky Jain, Aishwarya Sharma, Neil Bhatt, Arun Mahashetty, Isha Malviya, and more joined the controversial house. After a slow start, the show has gained momentum, and the happenings inside the Bigg Boss 17 house are now capturing everyone’s attention.
Ormax Media recently shared the list of the top 5 most popular contestants of the week. Leading the chart is stand-up comedian Munawar Faruqui, who emerged victorious in Lock Upp. Despite playing on the backfoot and being criticized for a safe and diplomatic game, Munawar Faruqui remains the most popular contestant. Vicky Jain secured the second spot, surpassing his wife Ankita Lokhande, who slipped to the fourth position. Mannara Chopra claimed the third spot, moving up from last week, while Abhishek Kumar, involved in a controversy, took the fifth spot, replacing Neil Bhatt.
In the upcoming episode of Bigg Boss 17 Weekend, Tabu will be the special guest, bringing gifts for the housemates. Additionally, tensions will rise between Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain as they engage in a fight over Vicky’s involvement in others’ matters. The Family Week is on the horizon, with loved ones of the contestants expected to enter the Bigg Boss 17 house.
The recent twist involved Abhishek Kumar, who was initially eliminated for slapping Samarth Jurel but was later brought back by Salman Khan and fellow housemates. As Abhishek resumes his journey in the house, viewers are eager to see if there will be any changes in his behavior.