Bigg Boss Tamil 7 contestant Poornima Ravi surprised everyone by leaving the house with a bag of cash worth Rs 16 lakh. A recent video circulating on the internet shows her family joyfully celebrating her return home. In the January 5 promo of the reality show, Poornima can be seen choosing the Rs 16 lakh bag and bidding farewell to fellow contestants.
Her homecoming was a lively celebration with her family and neighbors, featuring fireworks, dancing, and a large rose garland for Poornima. The viral clip also captures her cutting a cake with her family, expressing gratitude for the warm welcome.
In the Bigg Boss task, contestants had the chance to take a cash prize throughout the week, starting at Rs 1 lakh. Despite expectations that Vichithra would take the cash, Poornima surprised everyone by leaving with it. Reports suggest she earned an estimated Rs 15,000 per episode on the show, adding an extra Rs 14 lakh to her winnings as a Bigg Boss Tamil 7 contestant.
Now, the remaining 7 contestants Vishnu, Vijay Varma, Vichithra, VJ Archana, Dinesh, Manichandra, and Maya Krishnan – will compete for the main prize in the show, with the finale scheduled for January 14, 2024.
This season of Bigg Boss Tamil 7 has been marked by controversies, notably Pradeep Antony’s red card decision, sparking debates. The grand finale will be aired on Disney+ Hotstar and Vijay Television.