The upcoming finale of Bigg Boss Season 7 is creating quite a buzz as the competition narrows down from 18 contestants to the final six. This season’s unique twist features six contestants instead of the usual five in the finale, adding an element of surprise for the audience. Among the final contenders are Vishnu, Archana, Dinesh, Maya, Mani, and Vijay Verma, with Archana gaining significant support from fans.
Archana, who joined as a wild card entry, initially displayed vulnerability but has since proven herself as a resilient and fearless player. Her popularity soared, especially after she voiced support for Pradeep, earning her cheers from fans every week. However, this has stirred resentment among other contestants, notably Maya and Purnima, who openly expressed their feelings about the audience’s reaction to Archana.
A viral discussion among Vishnu, Dinesh, Vijay, and Mani revolves around their puzzlement about Archana receiving applause. They question how the audience continues to support her despite her actions, expressing confusion over the fan response each week. The conversation even touches on the possibility of these contestants entering the Bigg Boss house themselves to assess Archana’s performance firsthand. They also playfully tease Archana’s supporters with the phrase “Yaar Sami Ninge Ellma”
With Archana already enjoying substantial votes and backing, these discussions are expected to bring even more attention and support her way. As the finale approaches next week, Archana is seen as a strong contender for the Bigg Boss title. It’s worth noting that while opinions vary on the potential winner, many fans agree that Maya is not their preferred choice for the title.