Bigg Boss Tamil 7 is reaching its exciting finale, where the winner will be revealed in just a couple of days. This popular reality show has had a thrilling journey filled with surprises and twists over the past three months. Recently, Vijay Varma was eliminated, leaving the final top 5 contestants: Maya, Vishnu, Manichandra, Dinesh, and Archana.
With only three days left until the grand finale, fans have been casting their votes enthusiastically for their favorite finalist. The speculation is running high regarding who has the most votes, who will emerge as the winner, and who will be the runner-up.
According to voting trends shared by, Archana has received the highest number of votes so far and seems likely to clinch the winner’s trophy with a lead of over 50%. Manichandra follows with 17% votes, making him a strong contender for the first runner-up position. Meanwhile, Dinesh, Vishnu, and Maya are engaged in a tough competition as the bottom three finalists.
While there hasn’t been an official announcement about the winner and runner-up, the show’s makers are ensuring each episode is packed with new surprises. Notably, former contestants like Vinusha, Jovika Vijayakumar, Cool Suresh, RJ Bravo, Ananya S Rao, etc., have re-entered the Bigg Boss house, adding more excitement.
Who are you rooting for in Bigg Boss Tamil 7? Share your thoughts in the comment section below as the countdown to the grand finale intensifies.