Bigg Boss Tamil 7 is gearing up for its much-anticipated grand finale on January 14, creating a buzz of excitement among fans. The reality show, known for its twists and turns, featured a diverse set of contestants, leading to an intense battle for the winner’s trophy. The top 6 finalists, Maya Krishnan, Vijay Varma, Vishnu, Manichandra, Dinesh, and VJ Archana emerged after Vichithra’s elimination.
With the finale week underway, speculation is rife about who will emerge as the winner of Bigg Boss Tamil 7. Fan clubs are actively rallying behind their favorite contestants, eager to see them clinch the grand finale victory. For those looking to cast their votes, there are two options either register your vote on Disney Plus Hotstar or give a missed call to the provided numbers for your preferred contestant.
Amidst the speculations surrounding the potential winner, recently ousted contestant Vichithra shared her thoughts on the matter. While acknowledging that many are rooting for Archana to lift the trophy, Vichithra expressed her personal opinion that Maya is the true winner. The senior actor praised Archana for her strong gameplay in the show.
As the excitement builds for the Bigg Boss Tamil 7 finale, viewers are eagerly awaiting the final showdown to see who will emerge victorious and claim the coveted title. The journey has been filled with drama, emotions, and unexpected twists, making the grand finale an event not to be missed.