The much anticipated grand finale of Bigg Boss Tamil 7 is just around the corner, set to take place tomorrow, and the excitement is buzzing among fans. In a recent mid-week elimination, Vijay Varma bid farewell due to receiving the fewest votes. Now, the show has its final four contenders – Maya Krishnan, VJ Archana, Dinesh, and Manichandra, prompting widespread speculation about who will emerge as the winner.
Scheduled for January 14, 2024, the Bigg Boss Tamil 7 grand finale will be hosted by Kamal Haasan, promising a star-studded event attended by prominent personalities. As the audience eagerly awaits the outcome, voting trends from StudyBizz indicate that VJ Archana is leading with a substantial 54% of votes, followed by Manichandra with 17%. Vishnu, Maya, and Dinesh find themselves in the bottom three with 7%, 11%, and 9% of votes, respectively.
Amidst continuous speculations, the social media buzz suggests a close competition between Archana and Maya for the winner’s title. Although many believe Archana has a strong chance, an official announcement is yet to confirm the victor.
The grand finale, commencing at 6 PM, will be broadcasted on Vijay TV and Disney+ Hotstar. Fans are eagerly anticipating the climax of Bigg Boss Tamil 7, where the ultimate winner will be revealed and celebrated in what promises to be a spectacular event.