For over three months, Bigg Boss Tamil 7 has been captivating audiences with its unique upper and lower house theme, engaging tasks, heated fights, and the suspense of nominations and eliminations. Hosted by Kamal Haasan, the season has kept viewers hooked with its entertaining ensemble of contestants.
As the calendar turns to New Year 2024, the reality show is gearing up for its grand finale. Fans are eagerly anticipating the crowning moment, wondering who among the eight remaining contestants – Vishnu, Dinesh, Maya Krishnan, Vichithra, Poornima Ravi, Manichandra, Vijay Varma, and VJ Archana will lift the coveted trophy.
Speculations surround the grand finale date, and according to recent buzz, it is expected to take place on January 21 this year. The finale, scheduled to commence at 6 PM, will be broadcasted on Vijay TV and Disney+ Hotstar. It’s essential to note that these details are tentative, pending the official announcement from the Bigg Boss Tamil 7 team.
Adding a thrilling twist to the game, the makers introduced the cash box, starting with Rs 1 lakh and now increased to Rs 10 lakhs. This cash box presents an opportunity for contestants to claim the cash and exit the house. In the current week 14, seven contestants Dinesh, Maya, Vijay, Vichithra, Manichandra, Archana, and Poornima – are nominated for elimination. While Vishnu has secured his spot as the first finalist, the suspense remains on who will emerge as the other finalists in Bigg Boss Tamil 7.
As the countdown begins for the grand finale, viewers can expect more drama, unexpected turns, and intense moments within the Bigg Boss house. Stay tuned for the latest updates on the grand finale and find out who will be the ultimate winner of Bigg Boss Tamil 7.