Bigg Boss Tamil 7, hosted by Kamal Haasan, always keeps the excitement going. As the show nears its end, the makers aim to create a memorable journey for everyone involved. They recently introduced the cashbox, shaking things up.
Poornima Ravi left the house earlier, surprising everyone by taking the Rs 16 crores from the cashbox. Now, speculation swirls about the next elimination in the Weekend Ka Vaar episode. Six contestants remained nominated this week.
Poornima, Dinesh, Manichandra, Vichithra, Vijay Varma, Maya Krishnan, and Archana were on the elimination list. After Poornima’s exit, reports hinted at Vichithra, Vijay, and Maya being at risk. Fans have been voting fervently.
Archana leads with the most votes, while Vichithra gathered 7%, and Maya and Vijay both received 6%. However, the trend suggested Vijay got slightly fewer votes than Maya, making him the least voted in week 14. Rumors suggest Vijay might be eliminated this week.
Vijay Varma re-entered as a wildcard a month ago and has been a strong contender. The outcome of this week’s elimination in Bigg Boss Tamil 7 remains to be seen – whether Vijay stays or if there’s another twist in store.