Andhra Pradesh latest news : AP Government has made a key announcement on Budameru canal stream works. Minister Nimmala Ramanaidu, who was busy taking naps in the middle of the night in heavy rain and strong wind blowing in Budameru canal stream… spent time on the embankment even in the continuous rain from midnight to early morning.
Minister Rama Naidu said that he is closely monitoring the works with the intention of not reducing the level of flood in Singh Nagar if the canals fill up.
Minister Rama Naidu said that the government’s intention is to provide relief to the people of Singh Nagar area. He explained that CM Chandrababu and Minister Lokesh are reviewing the works of Budameru canal stream from time to time. Minister Ramanaidu said that they are going ahead with the cooperation of authorities and agencies in the Budameru canal stream works.