MVV, who met YCP President and former Chief Minister Jaganmohan Reddy in Tadepalli on Friday, made it clear that he is facing severe difficulties from the government in terms of business and that he cannot contest in the background of the investigation of the cases. Vamsikrishna Srinivas, who was previously elected as the MLC of local bodies from YCP, joined the Janasena and was elected as the MLC of Visakhapatnam Constituency. Former minister Gudivada Amarnath is interested in contesting from this seat but Jagan felt that financially strong MVV would be better. MVV politely denied that he did not contest at this time as the government had issued a stop work order regarding his projects and registered several cases. With this, the YSR Congress Party is looking for an alternative candidate.
Stop work order for Hayagriva. .
It is learned that the GVMC has also issued stoppage orders for the controversial Hayagriva project undertaken by MVV. After the alliance government came to power, the GVMC issued orders to stop the work at the CBCMC site in the heart of the city, which had already been undertaken by MVV Satyanarayana. Jagadeeswaru has registered a case against MVV Satyanarayana in the Arilova police station in the Hayagriva case. Along with MVV, his associate GV is also accused in this. It is learned that both of them met Jagan on Friday and requested him not to entrust them with any responsibilities in terms of the party for some time.
On the other hand, it is known that they are exploring the possibility of joining the BJP through Bharatiya Janata Party state president Purandeshwari. It is reported that they are looking towards BJP as an alternative after Chandrababu refused to join the Telugu Desam Party.