Andhra Pradesh Latest News : There was a lot of commotion and energy when the CM Chandrababu Naidu paid a visit to the TDP office at Mangalagiri. As he came near, there was a lot of light and everyone, party workers, fans and the public welcome him.
Chandrababu supported the opinion that representatives of the population should be directly involved in the work with the population. He dedicated almost three hours for socializing with the public and listening to their concerns and some of them complained about the YCP leaders. All kinds of people came to him for legal advice in cases of land issues, and unlawful matters, and in regarding to health issues as well. Chandrababu made it very clear to them that he would financially stand by the party.
Correspondingly, even during the visit, people donated cheques, gold, and cash for capital development and Anna canteens. He wanted the party workers to act responsibly and remain in touch with the masses; he also introduced a policy for the active presence of senior leaders at the central party headquarters, on a daily basis.