In the ongoing Delhi liquor scam case, BRS MLC Kavitha has been placed under judicial custody for 14 days by the Rouse Avenue Court. Following the court’s directive, she was transferred to Tihar Jail, where she will remain until the 9th of the next month. Reports indicate that on her initial day in Tihar Jail, Kavitha, accompanied by two other female inmates, was allocated cell number 6.
For dinner on Tuesday evening, Kavitha opted for a simple meal of rice and lentils, which she also shared with her fellow female inmates. The following morning, she started her day with tea and snacks. According to official sources from Tihar Jail, Kavitha spent her time engaging in activities such as reading books and watching TV, much like the routine of other inmates. A senior jail official emphasized that Kavitha’s schedule, including meal times and access to television, adheres to the standard routine followed by all prisoners. It was noted that Kavitha did not request any special privileges and is subject to the same regulations as other inmates.
Furthermore, the court has granted inmates, including Kavitha, the allowance to arrange for their own home-cooked meals, bedding, slippers, clothing, blankets, books, and the possession of pens, papers, and medication. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has been instructed to furnish all medical examination records pertaining to Kavitha to her legal representatives during her custody. Additionally, a deadline of April 1st has been set for a response to Kavitha’s bail petition.