On New Year’s Eve, Delhi set a record with the sale of 24 lakh liquor bottles, marking an 18% increase from the same date in 2022. This figure represents the highest single-day sales in December 2023, according to data from the Delhi Excise Department. A comparison with the previous year indicates substantial growth, with 20.30 lakh bottles sold on December 31, 2022. Delhi record-breaking celebration showcases its spirited enthusiasm for ushering in the new year.
The surge in sales is part of a larger trend, as December 2023 witnessed a steady increase in liquor consumption. A total of 4.97 crore bottles were sold from 635 vends, surpassing the 3.99 crore bottles sold in December 2022 through 520 shops. Notably, approximately 10 lakh bottles were sold daily in December 2023.
Christmas Eve, on December 24, also recorded the second-highest single-day sales, with Delhiites consuming nearly 19.42 lakh bottles compared to 14.69 lakh bottles on the same day in 2022.
Excise department officials reported a continuous upward trajectory in liquor sales throughout the year. The data further revealed that on December 30, 2023, 17.79 lakh bottles were sold, reflecting an increase from 14.66 lakh bottles on the same day in 2022.
December 5, 2023, saw the lowest sales for the year, with 12.84 lakh bottles sold, although still higher than the 13.81 lakh bottles sold on December 5, 2022. In 2022, the lowest sales were recorded on December 4, amounting to 9.03 lakh bottles.
These statistics highlight the significant growth in liquor consumption in the national capital during 2023, particularly on celebratory occasions such as New Year’s Eve and Christmas Eve.