After the YCP candidate for Nagari, RK Roja, recently met with Jagan Mohan Reddy in her constituency, there were high hopes. But the attendance was not as large as she had hoped.
According to reports, there was little reaction to Jagan’s gathering in the Nagari constituency. Even if local party leaders withdrew their support, Roja felt that she would overcome obstacles with Jagan’s backing.
Observers saw that RK Roja was depending on Jagan’s popularity to help her win over voters. Her hopes were dashed, though, when the public did not support Jagan’s meeting, indicating that she would likely lose the next Assembly elections.
It is purported that prominent figures from her own party, spanning all five mandals in the constituency, are publicly against her candidacy and are not cooperating with her campaign.
There are rumors that YCP leaders from the five mandals advised against nominating RK Roja, but the party was forced to move forward with her candidacy because of her powerful voice.
Leaders of the YCP in Nagari publicly promised to guarantee Roja’s defeat, irrespective of her ticket distribution.
Attendees who showed no interest in the meeting hindered Roja’s efforts to make the Putthur successful. Several people reportedly refused to get out of their cars, and some people—including leaders who had come to the event to oppose Roja rather than to support her—walked out during Jagan’s speech.