The highly anticipated pre-release event for “Guntur Kaaram” faced an unexpected hurdle when the scheduled event in Hyderabad was denied permission due to security concerns, leaving fans of Superstar Mahesh Babu disheartened. However, a silver lining has emerged, with the event now slated to take place in Guntur, as officially confirmed by the Shreyas media group. The rescheduled event is expected to unfold on January 9th, promising a celebration of the film’s impending release.
Directed by the acclaimed Trivikram, “Guntur Kaaram” is poised to be a riveting mass-action drama, featuring the dynamic duo of Sreeleela and Meenakshii Chaudhary as the female leads. The music composition, adding to the film’s allure, is orchestrated by the talented Thaman. The collaboration of these creative forces underlines the film’s potential to deliver a cinematic spectacle.
Suryadevara Radha Krishna, under the banner of Haarika and Hassine Creations, is at the helm of the film’s production, ensuring a high-quality cinematic experience. With the pre-release event relocated to Guntur, the excitement among fans is palpable, and an official announcement is expected soon.
Marking its grand entry into theaters on January 12, 2024, “Guntur Kaaram” is all set to captivate audiences with its compelling narrative, stellar cast, and the creative prowess of its director and music composer. As anticipation builds, the film promises to be a fitting start to the cinematic journey in the new year, offering a blend of entertainment and excitement for Mahesh Babu enthusiasts and movie lovers alike.