Senior actress Radhika’s comments on Kamal Haasan, who is a star hero, are currently creating a stir in the Kollywood media. Many people are surprised when Radhika revealed such truths about Kamal Haasan, who is such a big hero. As usual, there are many allegations against Kamal Haasan in the industry.
There is also a talk that he uses every girl that catches his eye.
But Radhika’s recent accusations against Kamal Haasan are creating a sensation in the media. Radhika said that it was very scary to do a film with Kamal Haasan at that time. While making a movie with him, the director-producers used to put kissing scenes to attract the youth, but not everyone likes to act in those scenes. Only a few heroines agree.
But Kamal Haasan tortured me and my daughter-in-law so much while acting in kissing scenes. Unable to bear this torture, I stopped doing films with him. Intimate scenes in movies are acted like that, but Kamal Haasan, while doing kissing scenes, press his lips tightly and kiss. But I told the industry leaders about this matter many times, but they opposed me.
Moreover, they also prevented me from getting opportunities in films. So I became silent. But now I can’t resist putting this matter out. Kamal Haasan is a scum. Radhika made sensational comments. But making such comments on Kamal Haasan is not new. Some heroines have already made similar comments on him. Senior actress Rekha ( Radhika ) is also there.