Khairatabad Ganesh : The rush of Ganesh celebrations has started in Bhagayanagaram. Vinayaka Chavithi festival falls on 7th September this year. On Ganesh Chaturthi, there is a buzzing atmosphere from villages to towns. Everyone, big or small, participates in these Ganesh festivals with joy. For 9 days, pujas are performed with devotion to Lord Ganesha, who is specially decorated in Ganesh Mandapalas.
But the most important part of the Vinayaka festival is the immersion on the last day. Immersion in Hyderabad does not need to be mentioned. On the immersion day, the roads of Hyderabad are filled with people. Especially during Ganesh Navratri, lakhs of devotees flock to Khairatabad to see Ganesh idol and immersion ceremony. Due to this, the whole city has a buzzing atmosphere. Bhagyanagaram Ganesh Utsava Samiti has revealed an important thing about Khairatabad Ganesh Namazjana as Vinayaka Chaviti approaches.
Khairatabad Ganesh immersion program will be organized on September 17. There is also a holiday on that day. Every year immersion day is a public holiday in Hyderabad and Secunderabad. It will be the same this time too. Meanwhile, this time a 70 feet seven-faced Mahaganapati is being installed in Khairatabad. Last year, Khairatabad Ganesh Namazjan was completed before one o’clock in the afternoon. It seems that there are chances of doing the same this time also.