Naga Babu, the actor-turned-politician, has once again caught attention with his enigmatic tweet on election day. Renowned for his candid remarks, Naga Babu posted a cryptic message in Telugu, suggesting a distinction between individuals who support their adversaries and those who stand steadfastly by their side. The tweet, which roughly translates to “A person who stays with us but helps our opponent is not our man and a person who stands for us is ours even if he is an outsider,” has stirred up speculation among Twitter users.
మాతో ఉంటూ ప్రత్యర్థులకి పని చేసేవాడు మావాడైన పరాయివాడే,
మాతో నిలబడేవాడు పరాయివాడైన మావాడే…!— Naga Babu Konidela (@NagaBabuOffl) May 13, 2024
Given the context of recent and past political events, many are speculating about the potential targets of Naga Babu‘s message. With his history of addressing sensitive topics openly, there’s anticipation among his followers for further explanation or revelation.
As the online community continues to dissect the meaning behind his tweet, the curiosity surrounding his intentions grows. It remains to be seen whether he will provide clarity on the matter, as he often does with his social media posts. Until then, the cryptic nature of his message keeps the internet buzzing with speculation and intrigue.