The highly entertaining theatrical trailer of “Naa Saami Ranga,” unveiled this Tuesday, showcasing Nagarjuna in a formidable role. The film features the iconic KING Nagarjuna Akkineni alongside a stellar cast including Allari Naresh, Raj Tarun, Ashika Ranganath, Mirnaa Menon, Rukshar Dhillon, and more. Produced by Srinivasaa Chitturi of Srinivasaa Silver Screen and presented by Pavan Kumar, the movie is directed by Vijay Binni with a compelling narrative and dialogues penned by Prasanna Kumar Bezawada.
Adding a musical dimension to the cinematic experience is the brilliance of Oscar-winning composer MM Keeravaani. The grand release is set for January 14th, 2024, promising a captivating fusion of talent and entertainment.
The buzz around the latest film, “Naa Saami Ranga,” featuring the eminent Nagarjuna, directed by Vijay Binni, is on the rise. Ashika Ranganath takes the lead actress role, with significant contributions from Allari Naresh and Raj Tarun. Scheduled for release on January 14th, just in time for the Sankranti festival, this movie is poised to deliver a compelling cinematic experience.