As the Andhra Pradesh election campaign reaches its climax, with polling just a week away, the leading parties are intensifying their efforts to secure electoral success. Janasena’s campaign is buoyed by the support of several Jabardasth actors, including Hyper Adhi, Auto Ramprasad, Sudigali Sudheer Get-up Srinu, and others, who are actively engaging with voters on the ground. Additionally, prominent Mega heroes like Varun Tej, Vaishnav Tej, and Sai Dharam Tej have lent their brief support to the party.
In contrast, amidst the influx of Jabardasth comedians supporting Janasena, a Telugu comedy actor, Roller Raghu, has thrown his weight behind the TDP. Joining Nara Rohit in Vijayawada today, Roller Raghu called for the ousting of the Jagan government, citing its failure to attract investments and its lack of a coherent development plan. The election campaign is thus infused with the glamour of both the small screen and cinema, particularly evident in Janasena’s approach and partially mirrored in TDP’s efforts.