Latest News in India: Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to visit Tamil Nadu next month. He will also inaugurate the Rameshwaram-Pamban bridge along with two Vande Bharat trains plying in the state. The main tour, however, is yet to be finalized. It is known that Southern Railway has decided to run new Vande Bharat trains between Chennai-Nagarcoil and Madurai-Bangalore. Work on the final phase has also been completed. The Prime Minister has to start these two trains in June itself.
But due to the fatal train accident in Kolkata and delay in the railway works on the Chennai-Tambaram-Madurai route, the two services could not start. But now that everything has settled down, Southern Railway has decided to run these two trains. Besides this, Vande Bharat services would be available on 8 other routes. ICF has already readied 70 Vande Bharat trains; of these, 51 trains are running. Nine have been reserved for emergency services, while another 10 Vande Bharat trains are waiting on the track. Two trains will run between Chennai – Nagercoil and Madurai – Bangalore next month.
Top railway officials said that they would be launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi next month. Bridge works on the Pamban-Rameswaram route may be completed. Southern Railway is getting ready to start it in September, too. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is going to inaugurate Vande Bharat trains and Pamban Bridge, Railway officials said. But from which venue they will be launched is yet to be finalized, they said.