Raghu Rama Krishna Raju, commonly known as RRR, was the first to openly oppose then Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, despite being elected as the Narsapuram MP for YSRCP. Over the last five years, RRR has been a relentless critic of the government’s policies, frequently condemning Jagan’s decisions. At a time when leaders from TDP and Janasena were hesitant to challenge Jagan, RRR emerged as a source of hope and inspiration for many, encouraging both leaders and the public to voice their opposition.
Raghu Rama Krishna Raju was unfazed by the government’s repeated cases and police actions meant to intimidate him. Many other politicians were motivated to challenge the ruling party when they saw injustice because of his bravery in the face of these difficulties. Following his one-on-one fight with Jagan, RRR joined the TDP and ran in the 2024 elections, winning the Undi seat handily over the YSRCP nominee.
As soon as he was elected, RRR started working on several constituency development projects. Even before government funds were allotted, he used public partnerships to address other pressing issues in Undi, including drainage. Many people have praised RRR for his prompt actions and commitment to his constituency. People are still motivated to follow his lead and fight for justice and advancement by his transformation from a dissident MP to a productive and engaged MLA.