Ravi Teja’s film “Eagle,” originally scheduled for release on January 13th, has officially been postponed. The decision was made in consideration of the overall well-being of the film industry. Dil Raju, the President of the Telugu Film Chamber, announced this decision earlier today. Raju explained that a meeting was held with the producers of Sankranthi releases a few days ago, wherein the reality of the situation was discussed, emphasizing how the simultaneous release of five films could negatively impact revenues. People Media Factory and Ravi Teja Garu, understanding the concerns, graciously agreed to reschedule the film for a later date.
The producers of “HanuMan,” “Saindhav,” “Naa Saami Ranga,” and “Guntur Kaaram’s Nizam” distributor Dil Raju, Telugu Film Chamber, and Telangana Film Chamber expressed their gratitude to TG Vishwa Prasad, Vivek Kuchibotla, and Ravi Teja for their cooperative spirit. Dil Raju emphasized that the decision was made in the best interest of the film industry and urged the media not to perceive it negatively.
Dil Raju assured that a dedicated release slot would be allocated for “Eagle,” which is now scheduled to hit the screens on February 9th. He also mentioned discussions with the “Tillu Square” team, as their film is also set for a February 9th release, and Naga Vamsi agreed to a postponement. Further discussions with the producer of “Yatra 2” are planned to ensure a solo release for Ravi Teja’s film. Dil Raju requested the media to portray the situation positively, emphasizing that the decision was made for the benefit of the Telugu film industry.