Andhra Pradesh latest news : GVMC gave a shock to YCP MP Vijayasai Reddy’s daughter Neha Reddy. GVMC officials have started the demolition of illegal constructions undertaken in Bhimili of Visakha district.
At Bhimili Beach, Nehar Reddy has taken up construction of ramparts in violation of CRZ rules in survey number 1516, 1517, 1519, 1523. Janasena corporator Peethala Murthy Yadav filed a PIL in the High Court claiming that these are illegal constructions. In this order, the High Court has issued orders to the authorities not to allow concrete constructions on the beach.
GVMC issued notices to Neha Reddy on 2nd of this month. They warned that the encroachments should be removed within 24 hours.. or they will remove them themselves. In this order, GVMC officials have taken steps to demolish illegal constructions.