It’s widely known that Ilaya Dalapathy Vijay’s recent blockbuster “Leo” marked a significant milestone in his career. Following the success of “Leo,” the anticipation for his 68th film, directed by the talented Venkat Prabhu and titled “Greatest of All Time” (GOAT), soared. The first look, along with the title “Taluka,” was unveiled, creating a wave of excitement among fans.
The title “Greatest of All Time” resonated strongly with both Tamil and Telugu audiences, elevating the anticipation for Vijay’s upcoming venture. However, upon closer examination, it triggered a memory in the popular small screen sensation turned hero, Sudigali Sudheer. He recalled a movie with the same title, GOAT (Greatest of All Time), directed by Naresh Kuppili.
Before the release of the Tamil version “Leo,” there was already a slight buzz as another film had announced the same title. The situation seems to be repeating itself with Vijay’s film sharing the title with Sudigali Sudheer’s project. This intriguing coincidence has sparked discussions, and the audience is eager to witness how the release of the Telugu version unfolds.
In essence, the shared title has become a viral topic, adding an unexpected twist to the narrative of these two much-anticipated movies. The industry and audience alike are curious to see how these films with the same title will carve their distinct identities in the cinematic landscape.