As YSRCP President and Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy, implements significant changes in the list of candidates for the upcoming assembly and Lok Sabha elections, a sense of confusion and concern has gripped party leaders. The presence of renowned political strategist Prashant Kishor, the founder of the Indian Political Action Committee (I-PAC), during this crucial phase, has raised eyebrows, especially as Jagan is dropping sitting MLAs and reshuffling constituencies seemingly without a clear rationale.
Party insiders reveal a noticeable contrast between Prashant Kishor and the current leader of I-PAC, Rishi Raj Singh, in their approach to dealing with Jagan’s decisions. Describing Prashant as a seasoned strategist unwilling to compromise on his plan of action, one leader emphasizes the difference in demeanor between Prashant and Rishi.
While Prashant Kishor was known for insisting that his recommendations be strictly adhered to, Rishi Raj Singh is described as a more amiable figure who presents his strategies to Jagan but refrains from asserting beyond a certain point. The final decision, in Rishi’s case, rests with Jagan, not the I-PAC team.
Contrary to Prashant Kishor’s proactive engagement with disgruntled leaders, Rishi Raj Singh lacks the freedom to interact independently. An incident involving a conversation between Rishi’s team and rebel MP Magunta Srinivasulu Reddy drew Jagan’s ire, highlighting the limits of the I-PAC team’s authority.
Prominent leaders within the YSRCP, such as Peddireddy Ramachandra Reddy, Chevireddy Bhaskar Reddy, and Y V Subba Reddy, are reported to disregard the I-PAC team’s influence, attempting to sway Jagan’s decisions regarding candidate selection. This departure from the assertive style of Prashant Kishor has led to discontent and even a sense of rebellion within the party ranks.
The party leader laments that had Prashant Kishor continued to work closely with Jagan, the process of candidate selection would have likely proceeded smoothly. However, the current situation, characterized by the departure of Prashant Kishor and the softer approach of Rishi Raj Singh, is fostering dissent and turmoil within the party.