Lifestyle Updates: Immersion in cold water causes a sudden drop in the temperature of water, which causes our blood vessels to constrict. Then, all the blood in the organs move towards the core so that it may maintain its body temperature and save the major internal organs.
Relief of pain:
It is this main reason athletes take ice baths! Ice bath reduces muscle pain. Damaged tissues are cooled, blood vessels are constricted, and muscle pain and swelling are reduced. Those that do intense exercises can rely on the ice bath to get relief from the subsequent muscle pain.
Lactic acid that gets accumulated in the body during exercise is flushed from the body. The flushing mechanism is activated due to the blood vessels constricting and then re-dilating as a consequence of immersing inside and outside of cold water. So, the metabolic wastes drain out and the muscles recover fast.
It thus stimulates the lymph system and wastes and toxins get flushed out from the body if ice bath is done regularly. By immersing in and out of cold water, circulation of lymph fluids throughout the body with muscles contracting and expanding is seen, thereby enhancing white blood production hence increasing immunity.
Although the blood vessels constrict first, they dilate when they come out of water. This is the process that pushes the body into settling down to the fluctuating temperatures, leading to increasing circulation. Good circulation helps ensure a healthy heart.
Mental well-being:
Cold water has a release of endorphins in the body. The endorphins happen to be the natural painkillers of the body and mood elevators that help reduce the pain and lighten the mind.
While there are some health benefits with ice baths, there are also some disadvantages to cold water baths. So, spend limited time in cold water to ensure that the core body temperature does not drop. Immersion of 10 to 15 minutes in cold water is quite enough to get the benefits of cold water. Because cold water increases the blood pressure, people with heart disease should follow the advice of the doctor.