Andhra Pradesh latest news : AP CM Chandrababu said that tribals are still backward. He participated and spoke at the World Adivasi Day organized at Tummalapally Kalakshetra in Vijayawada.
Alluri Sitaramaraj and Ekalavya should be taken as role models. Alluri Sitaramaraj sacrificed his life fighting for the end of British rule. Draupadi Murmu became the President while working as a school teacher. She has grown step by step and should be taken as an inspiration. India is the second most tribal country in the world after Africa. My desire is that tribals should be ahead in all fields. Tribals living in remote areas should be developed. When the Prime Minister came, we showed Araka coffee.
Adivasi Day was organized every year during TDP government. In the last five years, the sin of observing this day has not gone away. Adivasis are people of bravery, natural talent and skill. There are 10.42 crore tribal people across the country. According to the 2011 census, there are 27.39 lakh people in the state,” said Chandrababu.