Yash Raj Films (YRF) is gearing up for its first spy film led by women, starring Alia Bhatt and Sharvari as super agents. Director Shiv Rawail, known for the Netflix series “The Railway Men,” will helm the project, supported by Aditya Chopra. Filming is set to begin in the latter half of 2024.
Shiv Rawail, previously an assistant director on YRF productions, made his directorial debut with “The Railway Men” on Netflix in November 2023. Aditya Chopra believes in Shiv’s potential to lead the first female-led spy film in the YRF Spy Universe.
The untitled spy film aims to bring a fresh perspective to the existing universe. Aditya Chopra is confident that Shiv Rawail is the right choice to direct this young, female-led action film with Alia Bhatt and Sharvari. The project is considered ambitious, promising surprises and a unique touch, aiming to be a significant theatrical attraction.