Deepika Padukone and her sister Anisha Padukone were seen at the Mumbai airport on Thursday morning. Deepika looked stylish in a beige checked jacket, jeans, and boots. Anisha kept it simple with an olive green jumpsuit and white shoes. They showed off their cool and casual airport style, making a lasting impression on fans.
As they walked through the airport, Deepika’s hair was neatly tied up, giving her a sophisticated look. Anisha, on the other hand, embraced simplicity in her outfit. Fans flooded the comments with love, praising the sisters’ style and expressing admiration for their bond.
Deepika did a great job in the movie “Fighter” with Anil Kapoor and Hrithik Roshan. Now, she has more cool movies coming up, like “Kalki 2898 AD” with big stars, and “Singham Again” by Rohit Shetty, releasing on Independence Day weekend. Fans are super excited for Deepika’s new films.
In simple words, Deepika and Anisha looked great at the airport, and fans are excited about Deepika’s successful movie and upcoming projects.