“Dunki” directed by Rajkumar Hirani and featuring Shah Rukh Khan, Taapsee Pannu, Vicky Kaushal, and more, has become a global success, grossing over Rs 400 crores worldwide in just 18 days. In its third weekend, the film added around Rs 9 crores to its box office earnings, bringing the total to Rs 201.50 crores nett. This makes it Shah Rukh Khan’s fourth highest-grossing film in India, following Jawan, Pathaan, and Chennai Express, and his third highest-grossing film worldwide, following Jawan and Pathaan.
Despite facing local competition during the Christmas and Sankranthi/Pongal releases, and the much-anticipated “Fighter” in 2024, Dunki is expected to collect around Rs 210-220 crores in its lifetime. The film’s success is commendable, although it did not meet the enormous expectations associated with a Shah Rukh Khan starrer directed by the acclaimed Rajkumar Hirani. The clash with Salaar also impacted its potential significantly.
Dunki has now surpassed the Rs 400 crore milestone worldwide, aiming for a lifetime collection of approximately Rs 435-450 crores. It is projected to become the 8th or 9th highest-grossing Indian film of 2023, depending on its final performance. In terms of Hindi releases, the Shah Rukh Khan-Taapsee Pannu film is set to be the 5th or 6th highest-grossing Hindi film of 2023.
The film’s plot revolves around four friends from a Punjab village who share a common dream of going to England, facing the challenge of lacking both visas and tickets. Soldier Hardy (Shah Rukh Khan) promises to fulfill their dreams by taking them to the desired land.