“Dunki” directed by Rajkumar Hirani and starring Shah Rukh Khan and Taapsee Pannu, and “Salaar” directed by Prashanth Neel and featuring Prabhas, Prithviraj Sukumaran, and Shruti Haasan, both earned around Rs 3.25 – 3.50 crores on their second Tuesday at the Indian box office in Hindi. After a successful holiday season, both films are expected to continue their strong run until the release of “Fighter” on January 25, 2024.
The Shah Rukh Khan-led drama is nearing the Rs 200 Crores mark, while the Prabhas-fronted action film aims to join the Rs 150 crore club. Together, the two movies are projected to accumulate around Rs 375 crores in Hindi, indicating that over 2 crore people have visited theaters to watch them. While the release planning may not be to blame, it’s suggested that they could have performed even better if released a week apart.
Globally, “Dunki” is on track to surpass the Rs 400 crore milestone, while “Salaar” has already crossed Rs 500 crores in all languages. It is anticipated to settle in the Rs 575-600 crore range, depending on the performance of the Hindi version. Collectively, these two films are set to hit the Rs 1000 crore mark this Christmas season, showcasing a well-utilized festive period. Additionally, the Malayalam film “Neru” starring Mohanlal is highlighted as the best-performing film in terms of public reception.
In summary, “Dunki” and “Salaar” continue their successful box office journey in Hindi, with significant earnings and positive audience response. Their global performance is impressive, contributing to a cumulative Rs 1000 crore during the festive season. Despite considerations for better release planning, both films have made a mark in the hearts of moviegoers, making this Christmas season memorable for the Indian film industry.