Shah Rukh Khan’s film ” Dunki ” has triumphantly crossed the 15-day milestone at the box office, amassing a commendable ₹200 crore. On its 16th day, the romantic-comedy garnered ₹2.20 crore across languages. The debut collaboration of SRK and director Rajkumar Hirani has achieved a domestic box office collection of ₹208.67 crore. Globally, “Dunki” has garnered immense love and praise, reaching a total of ₹422.90 crore. Red Chillies Entertainment celebrated the film’s success on Instagram, calling it a display of audience love and encouraging everyone to watch “Dunki – In Cinemas Now!”
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Shah Rukh Khan, in a special Instagram video, extended Christmas wishes to fans and urged them to watch “Dunki.” The film received a glowing review from NDTV, with critic Saibal Chatterjee awarding it 3.5 stars. The film’s performances, especially by Shah Rukh Khan and Taapsee Pannu, were highlighted for their flawless portrayal of characters navigating through unexpected challenges. “Dunki” successfully balances heart, intellect, and soul, delivering an emotionally engaging narrative with surprising twists.
Released on December 21, “Dunki” features an ensemble cast, including Shah Rukh Khan, Taapsee Pannu, Boman Irani, and Vicky Kaushal. The film’s success underscores its widespread appeal and positive reception among audiences worldwide.