Kangana Ranaut, a highly talented Bollywood actress, is known not just for her movies but also for her impactful presence on social media. While her recent film, Tejas didn’t perform well at the box office, it has found success on OTT platforms. A Twitter user praised Tejas and expressed confusion about its box office outcome.
In response, Kangana shared that her films face paid negativity, and she indirectly referred to the film Animal, suggesting that audiences tend to support movies portraying women as sex objects. She expressed her disappointment and hinted at a possible career change.
Kangana wrote, “The overwhelming paid negativity surrounding my films has been challenging. Despite my continuous efforts, even the audience seems to endorse movies where women are objectified and humiliated. This is disheartening for someone dedicated to making films empowering women. I might consider a career shift in the coming years, aiming to contribute the best years of my life to a more meaningful endeavor.”
When asked about joining politics, Kangana clarified “No please don’t overthink. I am also exploring ventures in the restaurant business. Politics is not a business it public service”
This revelation sheds light on Kangana’s frustration with the challenges her films face and her contemplation of potential career diversification in the future.