Mrunal Thakur, a popular and talented Bollywood actress known for her roles in films like Jersey, Super 30, and Pippa, recently shared her desire to be part of a more relaxed film alongside Shahid Kapoor. Despite her success in acting, she expressed disappointment about not getting the chance to showcase her dancing skills in movies.
In a conversation with ETimes, Mrunal mentioned that she hasn’t had the opportunity to explore her dance talents on the big screen. While working with actors like Hrithik Roshan and Shahid Kapoor, who are passionate about dancing, she lamented not being able to join them in dance sequences. She even shared her wish to do a light-hearted film with Shahid where she could dance alongside him and Ishaan Khatter.
In films, where dancing opportunities have been limited for her, Mrunal compensates by making her co-stars dance for social media videos. She emphasized the need for filmmakers to give her the chance to showcase her dancing skills on the silver screen.
Mrunal expressed her desire to be part of romantic films in Hindi. However, she feels she isn’t popular enough to secure such roles and mentioned the challenges of proving herself to filmmakers. Despite having a busy lineup of films, none of them fall into the romantic genre. Mrunal hopes for romantic roles to come to her organically and expressed a sense of frustration in continually proving herself to filmmakers.
In a recent interview, she stated that she is done asking for romantic roles and is unsure about how to approach filmmakers to express her interest. Despite her success in various roles, Mrunal Thakur looks forward to opportunities where she can explore her dancing and acting skills more freely in the future.