Amitabh Bachchan, accompanied by Abhishek Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai, and Aaradhya Bachchan, graced the Pro Kabaddi League match on Saturday, passionately cheering for Abhishek’s team, the Jaipur Pink Panthers, at Mumbai’s DOME by NSCI. The reigning champions exhibited their prowess by triumphing over U Mumbai with a notable 41-31 score in the PKL season 10 showdown. Star Sports shared a heartwarming video capturing the Bachchan family adorned in blue and white tracksuits, rising from their seats to applaud and rally behind Jaipur Pink Panthers as they secured the victory.
Social media witnessed an outpour of joy from fans as they responded to snapshots shared by paparazzo accounts. Amid the comments, fans dismissed divorce rumors concerning Aishwarya and Abhishek, expressing relief and happiness at seeing the Bachchan family united and exuberant. One admirer remarked, “Can hear those divorce rumor makers crying in the corner,” while another expressed gratitude, saying, “Thank God.. Tension utar gyi (the stress is gone).” The collective sentiment was one of admiration for the beautiful family, with comments like “Bachchans have our hearts” and “So good to see all of them a happy family.”
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Reflecting on the Bachchan family’s eventful 2023, Amitabh Bachchan shared pride in his grandson Agastya Nanda’s acting debut in Zoya Akhtar’s musical, “The Archies.” The family attended the grand premiere in Mumbai, marking a significant moment. Additionally, Amitabh attended Aaradhya’s school’s annual function, expressing delight and pride in a blog post. He described Aaradhya as a “complete natural on stage,” emphasizing the joy the family experienced in witnessing her performance. As they wrap up the year, the Bachchans continue to create cherished memories together, drawing admiration and love from their fans.