Actor Rakul Preet Singh and producer Jackky Bhagnani are set to tie the knot on February 21 in Goa and their wedding will have an eco-friendly focus. The couple is opting for digital invitations to minimize paper waste, prohibiting fireworks, and planning to plant trees to offset the carbon footprint of the event.
Their three-day wedding celebration, starting on February 19 and culminating on February 21, is designed to align with environmentally conscious practices. Rakul and Jackky have enlisted the help of carbon footprint experts to ensure that their big day reflects their commitment to sustainability.
The green wedding preparations involve digital invites to reduce paper consumption, a ban on fireworks, and a dedication to planting trees to counteract the environmental impact. Carbon footprint specialists will assess the wedding’s environmental impact and provide guidance on the number of trees required to neutralize the carbon footprint. Post-wedding, the couple plans to actively contribute to tree-planting initiatives.
Amidst the wedding arrangements, a glimpse of the couple’s charming wedding invitation card has been revealed. The front page features a floral theme with pink and blue hues, showcasing a white couch against white brick walls and a blue door opening to a scenic beach.
Rakul and Jackky publicly confirmed their relationship in October 2021, and their eco-friendly wedding reflects their dedication to a sustainable and environmentally friendly celebration.